Mathematical Methods in Origami Class
The University of Tokyo, Komaba I Campus
December 16-18, 2015
Classroom: Advanced Research Lab 410
Instructor: Thomas C. Hull
Welcome to the web page for the Mathematical Methods in Origami class that I'm teaching at the University of Tokyo, Dec. 16-18, 2015. Here you will find slides from the class, assignments, and (password protected) notes based on a book I am writing on the subject.
The below links will become active as the course progresses.
- Assignment 1: Folding a Square Twist. Due at the start of class, Dec. 17.
- Assignment 2: Geometric folding problems. Due on Friday, Dec. 18.
- Assignment 3: Paper Project.
Write a 3-page (minimum) paper on a topic of origami-mathematics of your choice. (12 point type, single-spaced, and at least 3 pages of text not including pictures. References must be included and listed in a bibliographic style of your choice.) Your topic should not be on material we covered in class. This is due by December 30. By then you should email me a PDF of your paper.
Other links of interest: