Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Origami in Education and Therapy

New York City, USA, 1995. Edited by V'Ann Cornelius. Published by the Origami USA, 1995. 229 pages.

Table of Contents

Basic science support

Learning origami because it is origami

Using origami to support people

Using Origami to support a basic education program

How to order a copy

Currently the COET95 Proceedings are out of print. It was published by Origami USA. It's not likely that they'll reprint it, but who knows. If you really want to try to get a copy, contact them at: Origami USA, 15 West 77th Street, New York, NY 10024-5192, USA. Include a self-address, stamped envelope for the fastest response, or include your email address. Or go to the OUSA web page and try contacting someone via email.
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